Electricity & Lust

I had a Day Job, a Skateboard and a Band…

Posted in Beth by Beth Squires on September 27, 2007

Would it be weird to reignite my love of skateboarding* for one of these boards ??


(*Said love of skateboarding lasted for one summer when I was around 15 in a carpark in Fareham with lovely boys Tom Brindle and Ryan Herridge. Good times…)


4 Responses

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  1. Angelo said, on October 6, 2007 at 4:56 pm

    Absolutely DO reignite your love of skateboarding with one of those boards. They’re artsy, and art is good, and skateboarding is good, and why not? I roll around on a Creature re-issue that’s been beat to hell, and I have myself a grand ol’ time. And you should then ollie. I don’t know if you already ollie, but when that clicks into place after alll that practice, it feels pretty damn nifty. So go for it. And cheers.


  2. Beth said, on October 6, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    Thanks Angelo, y’know I think I will! I’ve managed to do one ollie in my life (and that was about 8 years ago!!), so maybe I’ll be able to get that going again too… I’ll try and keep you updated, talk again soon! B

  3. selena said, on January 29, 2009 at 11:43 pm


  4. Anjella said, on February 16, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    Шторы, гардины, портьеры ? Способны ли эти аксессуары украсить наш дом? Лично мы после ремонта 2 года вообще не вешали никаких штор и были счастливы, еслине учитывать то, что на против нас в метрах 20 жилой дом и соседи откровенно лупились в окна. Не так давно, я случайно обратилась в дизайн студию.
    Смотрите что получилось:

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