Electricity & Lust

Sam’s Top 11 TV Shows of the Year

Posted in end of year lists, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 30, 2007

Television. The ol’ Goggle Box. The Tube. Yes, it’s time to celebrate the electronic hearth in the corner of the room which used to give us our information and still maintains its place as the one piece of art the Americans are just so, so much better at.

Without any further rambling, any further chatter, here are the eleven most notable of television shows I have seen this year and, at the close, a brief list of those I have not seen or could not make space for in the list.


Californicated: Why am I seduced by these television assholes?

Posted in Sam, TV by Sam Unsted on October 11, 2007


Showtime’s new primetime comedy drama Californication begins on Channel Five today, but why should you watch another jerk screwing his way around the world and cracking wise on the whole deal? Why are we charmed by assholes? More importantly, right now anyway, why am I charmed by these assholes?

‘Californication’; the standard way now to describe Hollywood’s ability to allure, fuck and run by ordinary, starstruck souls looking for the American dream. If anything, you know some of the themes that will be explored in the show before it’s even begun. Here will be yet another look at the skewed American dream of stardom and fame, seeking out destiny in La La Land. From the trailers too, you can know to expect another treatise from cable television on the plight of the successful white asshole. Are we expected to constantly sympathise with people who, from even our own somewhat elevated standpoint, have no problem except for wanting to have problems. Tell Me You Love Me is a prime example in the schedules of the US, a show begging you to pass your sympathy on to wealthy folk who, in this case, just can’t get quite achieve perfection.
