Electricity & Lust

Link-tenant Daniels

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on January 16, 2008


So the BAFTA-nominated Ellen Page is to star in a movie directed by Drew Barrymore.

BILSON-watch goes into overdrive and gets hot under it’s collar thanks to these (ridiculously doctored but still) piccys from GQ.

The AV Club revisits Prince’s Under The Cherry Moon. Terrible film, stunning soundtrack.

101 of 2007’s finest moments in hip hop, from PopMatters.

Wow. Here’s some vintage Jon Stewart and Conan O’Brien. OLD!

Slate gives it’s view on the new record from Magnetic Fields.

Peter Bradshaw praises the BAFTAs.

Yahoo has a clip from Cloverfield.

K Fed on One Tree Hill!! BuzzSugar has a breathtaking clip and asks if you can take him seriously as an actor…