Electricity & Lust

Rockaway Link

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on June 16, 2008

Puns this week are pun-k songs… I have to stop this.

Here’s a list of movies that sparked protests. Nothing for Hottie and the Nottie though…

Sci-fi author Lewis Shiner is putting all his books online for free.

Mogwai’s genius debut, Young Team, is reissued and adored.

Which industry provides us with the most misleading advertising.

Supposedly, MIA is retiring…

Newsweek interviews Abigail Breslin.

The New Yorker has fiction from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Here’s an interview with Rhett Miller from the Old ’97s.

Here’s a list of the top twenty-five TV/movie hookers.

Natasha Khan, aka Bat for Lashes, is not loving the fame game.

The last ever Richard & Judy Book Clubbers have been announced.

Is Google making the world stupid?

Lil Wayne has gone to bat with Al Sharpton.

Rain is coming to our screens.