Electricity & Lust

The Grapes of Link

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on April 16, 2008

Sorry for no posting yesterday and no links on Monday. I’m cream-crackered so I couldn’t get up the energy either day (I also went to see Bjork on Monday night). Puns this week are John Ford inspired.

There is a trailer for The Wackness up now and, well, it looks pretty awful.

Save McLovin! Fame is a slippery slope.

The Onion Movie is getting a DVD release.

EW has some info from behind-the-scenes of The Incredible Hulk.

Here’s a featurette on Wall-E, a film I’m becoming more and more excited about as time goes on.

E&L fave Allison Janney has lined up two new comedies. One with Sam Mendes and one with Eddie Murphy…

Apparently, Johnny To thinks Orlando Bloom is okay at acting.

Look out MTV generation!! Indiana Jones and Dark Knight are going to be over two hours long…

Jessica Chastain has joined Brad Pitt on Terence Malick’s Tree of Life.

New York Magazine has a profile of Harmony Korine.

Early Edition is coming to DVD.

PopMatters laments the death of the slasher movie.

DVDs this week

Posted in DVDs, Sam by Sam Unsted on April 3, 2008

So I’ll do this once a week too but as I’m clearing up right now with posts, I thought I’d do a late one for this week too.

So, out this week (UK release dates):

Pick of the Week: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford – A brilliant, elegiac western featuring breathtaking cinematography from Roger Deakins and a star-making turn from Casey Affleck. The two-disc edition features a book about the film and a documentary on Jesse James. Well worth another watch.

Also out:
In The Shadow of the Moon – Moon landing documentary. Much loved but I’ve not seen it.
Hitman: Extreme Edition – Why anyone needs more scenes of this movie I don’t know.
August Rush – Freddie Highmore featuring inspiring drama.
Black Sheep – New Zealand sheep-based horror/comedy.
Breach – Sterling political thriller.
Southland Tales – My most hated film of last year. Pompous, messy idiocy.

Heart of Link

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 26, 2008

The AV Club has an interview with Kimberly Peirce.

New York Magazine has a piece on John Waters.

RICKROLLING!! The best just, like, thing ever!!!

Obama. Pitt. Jolie. Clinton. It’s all relative.

Slate has a review of the new season of The Hills.

Bat For Lashes is going to open for Radiohead.

Tina Fey spies a ratings jump for 30 Rock. All she needs is a little added Britney.

Kristin Davis is having such a bad year.

Is Jamie Lynn Spears getting married? Already? Competitive family…

Entertainment Weekly has a first peek at the Secret Invasion book and an interview with Brian Michael Bendis.

The Field Day line-up is looking good.

Richie Sambora has been drunk driving!

Red Belt doesn’t look good at all. But it’s written by David Mamet. Oh, the decisions!!

A Place To Bury Strangers have done a session for Daytrotter.

Defamer is becoming a little aggravated by the viral marketing for Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Sam’s Films of the Year

Posted in end of year lists, Movies, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 29, 2007

So the list time has been upon us for a few months now and it’s our turn here at E&L to throw some assertions into the ring about the year’s finest movies. So I’m first up out of the blocks and I’d, as many have this year, like to make a toast to the quality of film which seems to have been released over the past year. There have been some truly marvellous works of movie-making-magic over the past twelve months and I salute particularly the emerging crop of talent which seems to be tearing it up right now.

So my list is based on movies that were released in the last twelve months in the UK and therefore omits a number of excellent movies that have figured constantly on the year-end charts of other sites. Notably, No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood fall into that category. I have also failed to see every excellent movie which has been released over the past year but I’ve listed the feasible candidates for that mini-category at the bottom of the list. So, without further ado, check this out.


Ag-a-link link link

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 10, 2007


So this week, as everyone in the E&L castle has a Christmas party to go to, it’s Christmas party songs on the pun agenda.

The AV Club lists songs that should never be touched again and talks to bespectacled former-Semisonic boss hog, Dan Wilson.

PopMatters is beginning its year-end lists and starts with the year’s finest electronic long-players.

Some more fiction from The New Yorker, this time by the erratic but sometimes sublime Jonathan Lethem.

Christopher Hitchens suggests the abolition of the flipping CIA.

Boobs. Who’d have ’em? Salon investigates the rite-of-passage into purchasing the right size bra.

David Beckham is now modelling underwear for Armani. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before… 

Check out the trailer to new Will Ferrell loud-fest Semi-Pro which seems essentially be be Anchorman with basketball.

Love vintage clothing? Why not check out new site Vintage Secret, for all your unique clothing needs…

See the funny and lovely George Clooney and Brad Pitt in (almost) hot love action. You know you want it… 

With the revival of all things Nancy Drew, I’m so glad there’s books like this ‘Official Nancy Drew Handbook’ coming out so I can become a super-sleuth!

Ahhh, Drake Bell of Drake and Josh and actually quite good singing fame is currently doing some fab ads for Best Buy in the US. I laughed. Take a look below, and the rest of them are here…

My Darling Clemen-link

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 9, 2007


End of Westerns puns today but for that ol’ record, The Assassination of Jesse James was flipping marvellous.

Finally, the students of America are taking a stand.

Vote for your favourite single TV episode of the year on Time.

Here’s Filter’s top ten albums of 2007.

A conversation on the relative merits of Dirty Sexy Money.

Jennifer Egan writes a wonderful piece of fiction for The New Yorker right here.

Your favourite siblings of the year are? PopSugar demands to know.

HUDGE WATCH! In Washington, according to Just Jared.

Oh No They Didn’t wants to know what their best post was this year. Gotta be Britney passing over the crazy line.

Fascinating article on WWE wrestling from The Guardian.

The New York Times has a feature on grizzled national treasure Ian McShane.

The Mighty Boosh‘s Noel Fielding paints too! The Independent looks at the exhibition, in a cake shop…

Where Did Our Link Go?

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on November 9, 2007


The AV Club has a glowing review of No Country For Old Men. On the subject, PopMatters has an interview with the Coens.

You can choose your friends. But not your family.

Garrison Keillor talks Halloween on Salon.

Hirsuite genius Guillermo Del Toro is to remake UK series Champions. For those who don’t know, here’s what that is.

The Village Voice reviews Sufjan Stevens.

Ellen has pissed off some writers.

The Pringles Ad of Brad Pitt’s past is back to haunt him.

The Office‘s John Krasinski is looking yummy in this sports-related spread from Men’s Health.

This evening Beth has mostly been playing High School Musical: Sing It! and marvelling at how complicated the harmonies are.

And Sam enjoyed Glengarry Glen Ross at The Apollo Theatre in London, starring Aiden Gillen and Jonathan Pryce.

There be some women out there who truly hate Observer Woman magazine…

And finally – here’s the Rashida Jones (Karen in The Office) starring Foo Fighters video for Long Road To Ruin