Electricity & Lust

Linker’s Crossing

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on April 30, 2008

JoBlo has some piccys of Jim Carrey in I Love You Phillip Morris.

Roger Ebert has started a blog.

Could Jonah Hill grace the screen in Transformers 2?

Matthew Vaughn is remaking Israeli thriller The Debt.

Entertainment Weekly has a list of the top 21 bad haircuts in movies.

Hugh Jackman is talking Wolverine.

Soderbergh’s Che has been likened to Lawrence of Arabia.

Alex Gibney, the Oscar-winning documentarian of Taxi to the Dark Side fame, is making a doc on Eliot Spitzer.

David Denby reviews Iron Man and Then She Found Me.

The AV Club has a two part summer movie preview. Here and here.

Link Strawberries

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on April 8, 2008

JoBlo has a new clip from Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr is THE MAN.

Emma, hip hop musical style! Ooooh, she gonna get serrrved!

EW has a list of Daniel Day Lewis’ best ever roles.

Darren Aronofsky is writing a show for AMC.

Errol Morris is moving into fiction.

The reaction to Oliver Stone’s script about George W Bush has been mixed among biographers of the World’s Most Powerful Buffoon.

IndieWire has a review of The Visitor, the new film from The Station Agent director Tom McCarthy.

MGM is defending its decision to delay Valkyrie.

Bright Lights After Dark has a tribute to Bette Davis on her centenary.

Top Model reject Clare bitches away to TV Guide.

The AV Club interviews John Krasinski and profiles the career of Thomas Haden Church.

Bobby Cannavale is to star in the updated version of Cupid from Veronica Mars’ Rob Thomas.