Electricity & Lust

Link Triangle

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on February 26, 2008

Above is a summation of the Dubya presidency by Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell.

HBO has got the rights to show Oscar-winning documentary Taxi to the Dark Side. And its launching its own YouTube channel.

Pitchfork loves the second album from Beach House.

Summer Glau and William Fichtner are separetly interviewed on The AV Club.

Should Amy lose her addicted and surely somewhat pongsome fool of a husband? PopSugar UK wants to know.

Hillary Clinton and the Power of Words by Arianna Huffington.

Slate celebrates the greatest living hoaxer in America.

All of a sudden, Hollywood loves the Coens.

Welcome to the 2008 Tournament of Books.

More Bourne?

Emily Mortimer, Jackie Earl Haley and Max Von Sydow are joining the cast of Shutter Island.

German police dogs have made a fashion breakthrough.

Chris Dodd has endorsed Barack Obama. 

Starbucks is closing for three hours for training. On how to place a cup and push a button. For three hours. Hmm… publicity stunt much?

Anna Wintour versus Carine Roitfeld.

Who would be nominated for the Supreme Court by a Democratic President?

Hillary doesn’t know anything about the Barack photos… What a $%^*.

Ex-Busted loser folk are suing actual Ex-Busted loser folk (cept the Willis) for £10m.

Potsie has a breakdown on McSweeney’s.