Electricity & Lust

DVDs Last Week

Posted in DVDs by Sam Unsted on August 25, 2008

Pick of the Week:

Gossip Girl Season 1 – Perhaps the biggest surprise of the entire new season of shows, this has a terrible pilot but from there on in is the most ridiculous, silly, sassy, smart show on TV. It’s a beautifully rendered portrait of upper-class New York life which pokes fun in all the right places and, in Ed Westwick’s Chuck, has the most delicious semi-villain yet conceived for a teen-targeted show. The next season promises more sex, drugs and, well, more sex so I can’t flippin’ wait. As much fun as you can have with a new show right now.

Also out

Chuck Season 1 – Patchy and slightly uninspired tale of an accidental spy from the pen of The OC’s Josh Schwartz. Just never really kicked into an acceptable gear despite mostly decent cast. In fact, the key reason for its failing is Morgan, the sidekick to our eponymous hero, who is about as annoying as a human being can be.
Persepolis – Beautiful and charming little story and you can read my thoughts on it here.
Happy Go-Lucky – Mike Leigh’s new piece about a young lady with an unbreakably positive outlook on life. I will be watching it this week.
Never Back DownStep Up 2 The Streets with mixed martial arts. So bad, it’s awesome.
Stop-Loss – Misguided but valiant attempt at engaging with the psychology of modern warfare although it is packed with talented young males, not least the outstanding Joseph Gordon Levitt.
Love is the Devil – Intense portrait of Francis Bacon from Derek Jarman and starring Derek Jacobi. A fine, well-acted and well-balanced piece of work.
Pathology – Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes in some surgery horror thing. Haven’t seen and likely won’t.
Street Fight – A recounting of the battle between Cory Booker and Sharpe James to become the Mayor of Newark. An incredible, eviscerating study of dirty local politics with a bleakness to its conclusion which was eventually solved by life.
Lonesome Jim – Not seen but directed by the great Steve Buscemi and starring the soon-to-be-great Casey Affleck alongside the never-will-be-great-but-still-charming Liv Tyler.

After The Linkrush

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 28, 2008

Pitchfork interviews Johnny Greenwood.

And it gives justified praise to the re-release of Lemonheads’ It’s A Shame About Ray.

The AV Club quite liked Stop-Loss.

USA Today interviews John Krasinski.

The New Republic’s movie critic wrote his review of 21 based on the trailer as reaction against trailers being too long and giving away the whole movie nowadays. Testify!

The Guardian interviews cinematographer Roger Deakins on his finest achievements.

A movie version of The Hills?

Could Pete Doherty be a scientologist? (Thanks PopSugar UK!)

Annie Liebovitz may be in a little bother over the LeBron James piccy.

Superhero Movie is aiming to outdo Horton.

Free Dr Pepper all round if Chinese Democracy arrives by year’s end.

Plant says further live Zeppelin is a possibility.

Nick Cave has earned an honorary PhD.

Are muffins the new CDs?

Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders has been condemned by Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia for his short video, ‘Fitna’.

Yet more Ellen Page films in the wake of Juno. Here’s the trailer for The Tracey Fragments.

Heart of Link

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 26, 2008

The AV Club has an interview with Kimberly Peirce.

New York Magazine has a piece on John Waters.

RICKROLLING!! The best just, like, thing ever!!!

Obama. Pitt. Jolie. Clinton. It’s all relative.

Slate has a review of the new season of The Hills.

Bat For Lashes is going to open for Radiohead.

Tina Fey spies a ratings jump for 30 Rock. All she needs is a little added Britney.

Kristin Davis is having such a bad year.

Is Jamie Lynn Spears getting married? Already? Competitive family…

Entertainment Weekly has a first peek at the Secret Invasion book and an interview with Brian Michael Bendis.

The Field Day line-up is looking good.

Richie Sambora has been drunk driving!

Red Belt doesn’t look good at all. But it’s written by David Mamet. Oh, the decisions!!

A Place To Bury Strangers have done a session for Daytrotter.

Defamer is becoming a little aggravated by the viral marketing for Forgetting Sarah Marshall.