Electricity & Lust

Only Link Can Break Your Heart

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 30, 2008

The LA Times speculates on whether Heath Ledger died from insomnia.

Slate comments on the appearance made by Conan on Leno.

John Krasinski talks Leatherheads and directing with The NY Times.

Andrew Bird contributes to the above, discussing the process of songcraft.

Mark Kermode gets angry about being lectured by Michael Haneke.

The New Yorker discusses the comic book inquisition of the Cold War in the US.

Jeffrey Eugenides donates fiction to the very same publication.

Persepolis creator Marjane Satrapi is interviewed by The Guardian.

Esquire lists the five most useless products ever.

The Atlantic argues for the importance of Stop-Loss.

Apparently, Mexico does not like emo kids.

The Independent profiles Martin Scorses ahead of Shine A Light.

Sam’s Year of Reading

Posted in end of year lists, Sam by Sam Unsted on January 2, 2008

So for books, as I have little money and do my reading on a packed tube of commuting fellows, I can’t really rank the books of the year. In fact, I think, I only managed to read one book which was released in this country in 2007 and even that is somewhat borderline. Therefore, I am simply going to write my way through my year of reading, pointing out the notable and not-so-notable works I have loved or endured over the past year.

At the close of the article is a list of all the books I have read this year. If you see any your are interested in and want to ask if I enjoyed them, should they not be mentioned, feel free to do so in the comments and I’ll get back to you.
