Electricity & Lust

Sam’s Top 11 TV Shows of the Year

Posted in end of year lists, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 30, 2007

Television. The ol’ Goggle Box. The Tube. Yes, it’s time to celebrate the electronic hearth in the corner of the room which used to give us our information and still maintains its place as the one piece of art the Americans are just so, so much better at.

Without any further rambling, any further chatter, here are the eleven most notable of television shows I have seen this year and, at the close, a brief list of those I have not seen or could not make space for in the list.


How Do You Solve A Problem Like Link-ia?

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on October 22, 2007


This week, we’re going to see Phantom of the Opera. Therefore, to celebrate the first week of theming our link puns, we shall be working on the theme of the hideous troll that is Andrew Lloyd Webber.

RollingStone.com relays its top 25 moments from The Office.

The AV Club has 21 songs to do with law enforcement officials.

PopMatters recounts all the shows it loves that have yet to find their way onto DVD.

Marjane Satrapi, the author of Persepolis, talks about life, comics and Iggy Pop with New York Magazine.

Bolan-loving freak-folk pixie Devendra Banhart talks to Pitchfork.

Slate continues the Al Gore backlash by telling you what he don’t be knowin’.

Furry diva David Gest talks to The Independent about the sale he’s putting on.

The New York Times visits the CMJ Festival and ponders the power of blog-buzz.

Guardian Unlimited is breaking the news that ITV is reviving the News At Ten and bringing back Sir Trev to present it.

PopJustice is reviewing Britney’s BlackoutAnd they’re glad they made the journey.

Whitney is back from CMJ and recommending her favourite bands on PopCandy.

Amazing 90s teen-drama My So-Called Life starring Clare Danes & Jared Leto is out on DVD – Check out some clips…

TV Shorts

Posted in Sam, TV by Sam Unsted on October 4, 2007

A little rundown for those of you with torrented-minds of which seven (for seven is the real lucky number, friends) shows in the US, four brand new three returning, you should check out or download or whatever.


1. Pushing Daisies

Deeply whimsical slice of skewed, black comedy. Stars Lee Pace (of little-known but again charming Wonderfalls) and Anna Friel being very sweet indeed. Basically, Pace brings death to those he touches but can give life back to them, only at the cost of another. It got great reviews, dragged in huge first night figures and mostly is well worth your time. Whether the whimsy will hold up, who knows. Right now, its cutesiness is eminently charming.

2. The Bionic Woman

Woman has car crash, boyfriends saves her by giving her state-of-art limbs, now rebellious worker for possibly-governmental agency. Not loved across the board but our very own Michelle Ryan plays the eponymous super-girl and she great. Also boasts Battlestar Galactica-alum Katee Sackhoff and a kind of Alias-ish vibe. Promising.

3. Reaper

A young lad hits his eighteenth birthday to find out is parents sold his soul to the devil. Yet to witness the second episode of this but it’s alleged to get very good, very soon. The first episode was okay if creaky in places but this could be one to watch if they nail the premise.


4. Chuck

Nerdy, if somewhat charming and attractive, tech worker gets sent email from FBI friend with all government secrets on and now, they want to get him. Charming show if still trying to find its feet at the moment, a solid third episode will make all the difference. Plus, Josh ‘The OC’ Schwartz is behind it and his shows always take a little time to get going. Have faith, I think this one’s gonna be a winner.

5. The Office

I still don’t believe I love this show as much as I do. It hasn’t quite surpassed the genius of Gervais but it’s carved out its own niche. This is its own show now and is of such a consistently high level of quality, you cannot fail but be swept along. Plus, there are four hour long episodes to kick off the year. Awesome.

6. Dexter

Along with Brotherhood, Californication and Weeds, Showtime now has a sterling line up to rival HBO. This pitch black comedy is the most celebrated and rightly so. Michael C Hall is creepy and still in the lead role, never showy and always charming. How you make a serial killer charming, I couldn’t tell you. The first couple of episodes of the new season set out the stall well and this should become a must-watch for all around.

7. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Barring The Office, this is hands-down the best comedy on TV. Semi-improvised, astonishingly mean-spirited and ball-achingly funny, this, to use a hideous but right now solid phrase, is Seinfeld-on-crack. The four leads, including the superlative and getting-even-better this year Kaitlin Olsen, is just perfect and if you haven’t discovered it, this is a must watch.
