Electricity & Lust

Link and Roll All Nite!!!

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 3, 2008

Kiss songs this week…

Inappropriate funeral songs in list form.

The AV Club also joins the rest of the world in loving Rez HD.

Unlikely heroes on television from The Guardian following the premiere in the UK of Mad Men.

Can Hillary scare you into voting for her?

Hell Angels tried to kill Jagger in 1969?! Yet no one has tried after the solo albums…

Hillary Clinton has gained the ringing endorsement of Jack Nicholson.

Zefron poses with Richard Linklater as they together create Me & Orson Welles.

PopSugar UK has a preview of Forgetting Sarah Marshall which, of course, stars Jason Segel. Once, he did this, and it was good.

Michael Chabon contributes an essay to The New Yorker.

Obama’s less seasoned campaigners are holding their own in Texas.

I say, where the flip is Vicki Iseman?

I love Marion Cotillard, but this is not good.

Here’s two tracks from Wilco on SNL.

McCain’s run has taken a little stumble at the first.

Tim Allen is directing a film.