Electricity & Lust

Somelink Kinda Oooh

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 17, 2008

Shane Black is writing yet another detective story. Probably with buddies.

God dammit!! Where the flip is Vicki Iseman??

Alec Baldwin muses on the importance of McCain’s running mate.

Lots of love for Fuck Buttons on Pitchfork. They also interview dream-pop purveyors Beach House.

I missed the recent AV Club Comics Panel. So here it is.

Here’s PopCandy’s top ten acts from SXSW.

Is 10,000 BC a realistic work?

It’s Oprah’s world, we just try to live in it.

David Denby comments on Boarding Gate and Taxi to the Dark Side.

Greenspan says: It’s f*%kin bad the economy is.

Hasn’t Iraq suffered enough? Now Cheney gives them a surprise visit.

Jeanette Winterson answer 20 questions for PopMatters.

Here’s fifty animals who gots a problem with da sauce.

Ten songs for your consideration, Guitar Hero 4.

Entertainment Weekly joins the sacreligious celebrating of St Patrick’s Day with seventeen classic Irish records.

Pushing Daisies is coming the the UK!!

Cross and Odenkirk are back together again!!!!!

Check out these beats, bitches!

Mucca gets £24m from Macca. Beatles fans, just remember the things she may have had to do…

New Weezer in June.

Criminal Bears!! I knew it.

Giant Drag is asking its fans to fund its new record.

Hillary and the Rust-Belt.

Pat Benatar versus The Go Gos. Which one is the bigger lesbian icon?

Here’s Slant Magazine’s opinion on the She & Him record.