Electricity & Lust

Linko & Cash

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on June 6, 2008

The AV Club is doing an extended interview with Harlan Ellison.

And looks back on Jim Jarmusch’s marvellous Dead Man.

Tom Perrota interviews The Hold Steady.

Ewww… Knightley is trying to fill the shoes of Hepburn. No chance this is good.

The European Championships… of beer.

The top twenty-five animated movies.

Jimmy Smits in Dexter.

AO Scott offers his thoughts on You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.

Slate’s Audio Book Club discuss Anna Karenina.

Fleet Foxes are great. Pitchfork official.

Well-written songs are the true lifeblood.

AfterEllen has its own Hot 100 up.

Winehouse has sent Willis back off to rehab.

Dylan’s for Obama too.

New Deerhoof in October.

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