Electricity & Lust

Don’t Link (Wiggle, Wiggle)

Posted in Beth, Links by Beth Squires on December 12, 2007


Lily Allen is the new judge on the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction panel. The shortlist will be revealed in April 2008. Thoughts?

Rumer Willis debuted her new long hair. I think the extensions suit her!

Are you a Buffy fan? Check this out “When Joss Whedon put out the call to Mutant Enemy fans to join him on the WGA Strike line at Fox Studios, 400 enthusiasts trekked from as far away as Australia and England to show their support for their favorite writers, many of them flying in for the day so they could walk the line. Many members of the Screen Actors Guild were also in attendance, including Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, Summer Glau, Ron Glass, Nicholas Brendon, Harry Groener, Juliet Landau, and a host of others. ‘First March’ looks at the events of the day, and a few of the basic issues that brought the WGA to strike.”

More McFly nudity – this time from BBC Radio One’s Live Lounge with Jo Whiley. Never a bad thing, right?

Go behind the scenes with Vogue at Karl Lagerfeld’s London show for Chanel Paris-Londres 2007/08. Tudor costumes and Amy Winehouse-style beehives reigned supreme – Lagerfeld commented of Winehouse ‘She (looks) like a negative photo of Brigitte Bardot’ … Celebs in attendance included Emma Thompson and Rupert Everett.

Why the lack of ZEFRON WATCH and HUDGE WATCH posts? Well, it seems they’re going incognito right now…

American writer Tad Safran has made himself a friend to all women with this Times column stating that American women are far more attractive than British women. And then puts a picture of a starving, pouting, tanned Paris Hilton next to gorgeous Charlotte Church. But wait, it’s not all good news for you American ladies, he thinks you have no social skills, take yourselves too seriously and are annoyingly confrontational. It’s weird that he’s single isn’t it…?

And finally this morning, Heat is reporting that Jessica Alba is pregnant with boyfriend Cash Warren’s child.

The Outlink Josey Wales

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on December 3, 2007


It’s time for a pun change and this week its… (drum roll) Westerns. In celebration of our going to visit the cineplexima to see The Assassination of Jesse James yada yada yada…

Comics Panel returns on The AV Club.

Someone explores Buffy in a scholarly manner, reviewed by PopMatters about hereish.

T.C Boyle donated a superb story to The New Yorker earlier this year. Here it is n’all.

New York Magazine discusses Gervais and Extras.

Tell you what, here’s another piece of short fiction, this time from Norman Mailer, in Esquire, in 1953.

Adrian Pasdar talks musicals with Entertainment Weekly.

Mark Wallinger has won the Turner Prize. Everyone loves a dude in a bear suit.

Cerys Matthews deserves a little bit of a telling off. The Guardian delivers on with its words.

She’s Link Control

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on October 10, 2007


Just as we continue our Joy Division punnage, The AV Club continues its Wes Anderson fixation with an actual interview with the man himself.

Jose Gonzalez speaks to the San Francisco Chronicle about his surprisingly good new record, In Our Nature.

PopMatters‘ ode to the best of television on DVD continues.

The UK is apparently the home of bloggers who just don’t give a… flip, says Slate.

The Guardian loves Radiohead’s bargainous new album, In Rainbows, out today.

The New York Times discusses modern cinema’s love of music and musicians.