Electricity & Lust

Albums Since My Birth

Posted in Music by Sam Unsted on July 12, 2008

I’m so sorry not have have posted recently but you can check out a more regularly update version of the site on my Tumblr page. Bookmark that for more recommended links that I’ll be providing here.

Going round at the moment is a trend of listing the favourite albums since your year of birth and I thought I would indulge myself in that one. I’m going to do a movie one too so look out for that.

So, from my birth to now, my favourite records of every completed year thus far. An additional comment: I realise you are only supposed to choose one per year but damn, this was a little too hard for that. As far as my research goes, all are also based on UK release dates.


Link-tenant Daniels

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on January 16, 2008


So the BAFTA-nominated Ellen Page is to star in a movie directed by Drew Barrymore.

BILSON-watch goes into overdrive and gets hot under it’s collar thanks to these (ridiculously doctored but still) piccys from GQ.

The AV Club revisits Prince’s Under The Cherry Moon. Terrible film, stunning soundtrack.

101 of 2007’s finest moments in hip hop, from PopMatters.

Wow. Here’s some vintage Jon Stewart and Conan O’Brien. OLD!

Slate gives it’s view on the new record from Magnetic Fields.

Peter Bradshaw praises the BAFTAs.

Yahoo has a clip from Cloverfield.

K Fed on One Tree Hill!! BuzzSugar has a breathtaking clip and asks if you can take him seriously as an actor…

Stay Out Til Sunday…

Posted in Beth, Links, Sam by Beth Squires on September 23, 2007

Here’s our entertaining and informative daily round-up of web happenings and curios…


First off, the eternal question; how do you pull a straight boy at a fashion party?

No longer the ‘idiot box’, TV is garnering a new respect – the New York Times discuss how we are what we watch, whilst film critic Mark Kermode gives in to the allure of television over at Guardian Unlimited.

Tom Hardy

Stuart: A Life Backwards (tonight, 9pm, BBC2) star Tom Hardy (above) discusses his life and career so far, and gorgeous British actress Emily Blunt talks to The Times.

Jealous of Prince’s backing dancers in their sassy London Fashion Week glory? Style‘s blog tells you how to get the look.

Don’t forget London Fashion Weekend’s shopping event is coming up this week.

Check out my A Mighty Heart film review at Screenjabber.

The Times discusses World music’s punk protest singer Manu Chao and, as all should, urges readers to invest in his wonderful work.