Electricity & Lust

Welcome to the Linkle

Posted in Links by Sam Unsted on May 31, 2008

Slate has a host of articles about Sex and the City. There’s a review, a look at the fashion and a question as to whether it will change the fortunes of luxury retailers amid the current market climate.

Anthony Lane offers his thoughts on the film.

Chris Dahlen finally catches up with Blonde on Blonde.

The new Comics Panel went up yesterday. Includes the new Love and Rockets.

Interview with Jeffrey Tambor right here. The new Leslie Nielsen?

Pitchfork rounds up Sasquatch.

I’ve already got my tickets for this but all should know. Built to Spill are playing Perfect From Now On for the Don’t Look Back series in London in November.

Mogwai have released more details on their new EP and LP.

Mad Men is back on July 27.

Elizabeth Berkley officially in Donnie Darko 2. Is there a way this film can be good?

Here’s an update on what the cast members of The Wire are up to.

Estonian goth-pop stars. Read on.

Here’s an interview with the monobrowed genius that is Mark Eitzel.

Mudhoney rock. Just ask PopMatters.

A teaser for Zack and Miri has turned up.

You must download this Paul Rudd screensaver. You just must.

The trailer for Choke is also doing the rounds.

I Was Made For Linking You

Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on March 6, 2008

The ’24’ prequel will explain all.

The AV Club talks to author Carl Wilson.

It also digs Human Giant.

Check out the stills from Watchmen. The Comedian is looking good.

What is the punishment for death? (Thanks Tom)

Another loved Warp release today. This time Clark.

A selection of art, doom and glitch luminaries are contributing to the Table of the Elements single series.

HUDGEWATCH! It’s been a while. She making a movie.

The Flaming Lips are playing Lovebox.

What’s with all the lack of decisions, Democrats?

Janet Malcolm discusses the Gossip Girl world.

Sasha Frere-Jones has some love for Sigur Ros.

Howard Dean is proposing a redoing of the primaries in Florida and Michigan.

So Obama still won more delegates in Texas? Explain, Wall Street Journal.

Chuck Klosterman contributes a piece on road movies to The Believer.

And that wonderful magazine also has a conversation between Werner Herzog and Errol Morris.

News on the new Death Cab.

The blog on Cracked isn’t too chuffed with these upcoming adaptations.

Slurm on sale!

Here’s a profile of the lovely Zooey Deschanel and M Ward collaboration, She & Him.

Behind the scenes on Sex and the City.

John McCain must be loving all the Democratic procrastination.

Here’s a piece by Jeff Tweedy for The NY Times on migraines.

New trailer for Wanted.

Pennsylvania is a should-win for Hillary.

Joe Klein says the pressure is all on Obama now.

Ken Starr tactics? Handbags me thinks?


Posted in Links, Sam by Sam Unsted on February 22, 2008

PopSugar UK has the trailer for the Sex and the City movie.

Scott Tobias starts up a new feature on new cult movies for The AV Club.

The Guardian joins the rest of us in praise of the new album from Goldfrapp.

John McCain really is kicking off with The New York Times.

Pitchfork has Black Mountain on Conan.

In very serious news, two deeply evil men have been sent to jail. Here and here.

IGN has trailers for the new GTA.

PopMatters re-expresses its distaste at The Two Jakes, the follow-up to the unimpeachable Chinatown.

Lots of Oscar talk on Slate. Who’s going to win? What about Michael Clayton? A guide on how to score a moody western.

David Denby talks through his views on the Coen Brothers for The New Yorker.

There are worries over the campaign spending of Hillary.

The Boston Globe is loving Be Kind Rewind.

David Simon talks to Newsweek.

Roger Deakins, genuis cinematographer behind the Assassination of Jesse James and No Country for Old Men, is interviewed right here.